TechNation Roundtable: Real-Time Locating Systems

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CenTrak asset tag shown on IV pump. Photo credit: Tech Nation

Dr. Israel Amir, CenTrak's Chief Technology Officer, was recently featured by TechNation as a real-time locating systems expert, among other vendors and end-users. The discussion centered on real-time locating systems, discussing the opportunities of RTLS and what that means for the future of healthcare.

"Making the right RTLS investment will pay for itself in most cases in a matter of months. Often, having the ability to leverage the existing Wi-Fi infrastructure can be a benefit. The combination of Wi-Fi locating with Gen2IR and Low Frequency RF provides the framework required for advanced asset management use cases such as PAR-level management, improved asset utilization and reduction of shrinkage. For more demanding applications requiring accurate and high-speed locating (clinical-grade), dedicated networks with Gen2IR will provide the needed solution."

CenTrak CTO Biography Dr. Israel Amir is responsible for new product introduction, system engineering, electronic hardware design, algorithms development, as well as mass manufacturing and intellectual property. As CTO he has developed the fundamental approach to CenTrak’s RTLS system and is a main source to many of its innovative features. Prior to CenTrak, Dr. Amir was the Director of Research and Intellectual Property Strategy at Digital 5, Inc., where he managed the company's patent activity and led successful forward-looking projects in networking technology, multimedia processing and security. Dr. Amir received his Bachelor’s from The Technion in Israel, his Master’s from Purdue University, and his PhD from Drexel University. Amir has authored numerous papers and has more than 30 patents, granted and pending.

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CenTrak provides facilities with data-driven insights, creates a safe and efficient environment for staff, and enhances the healthcare experience for patients, residents, and their families.