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CenTrak Integration Partners

Enhance your existing Health IT systems with the power of real-time location data. With over 50+ active integrations, CenTrak can increase the value of your technology investments. Explore a selection of our key integration partners for seamless connectivity.

Looking to integrate your RTLS data?

Our healthcare clients are bringing new ideas every day on how to leverage RTLS technologies to improve patient experience, healthcare operational processes, and patient and staff safety. Integrate your RTLS data with electronic health records, CMMS, nurse call systems, patient infotainment platforms, third-party RTLS software applications, and more.

Want to become a CenTrak integration partner?

CenTrak has strategic partnerships and integrations with a broad range of healthcare and technology companies. Our integrations include one-directional and bi-directional integrations with a plethora of systems via HL7, HTTP Post, RESTful API, and others. CenTrak’s open platform and well-documented APIs also provide developers with the ability to build additional applications and connection points.