This module is available to all customers, partners, and CenTrak staff to track system health, sign up for alerts, configure sites, view historical data, and run reports. An easy-to-use administration tool, CenTrak Pulse provides end-users with the ability to manage the overall operational efficiency of installed devices, sensors, and tags. It also provides a view of system status at a glance with an intuitive graphical interface that includes:
- Device summary screen
- Battery life detail and low battery indicator reports
- Device offline indicators and critical alerts
- View certifications and NIST expiration dates for environmental sensors and probes

CenTrak’s Connect Pulse™ Mobile is a mobile application available on iOS and Android that is used to view CenTrak device details, aid in battery replacement activities and device health troubleshooting for CenTrak’s Enterprise Location and Sensing Services. The app allows CenTrak customers to view which devices require a battery change, which devices are under a battery replacement review by the Pulse system, and which, if any, battery replacements failed.
- View list of CenTrak devices, their battery status, and reporting status
- Camera scan to quickly pull up CenTrak devices
- Indicate if a battery has been replaced, regardless of the current battery status
- View offline devices and troubleshooting steps to help resolve
- Recheck the status of a device after resolving offline issues or changing batteries
- View app usage and battery change progress reports