New Year!  It’s Time for Your Annual RTLS System Health Checkup

New Year Annual RTLS System Checkup Card

Have you received a reminder from your doctor to set up your annual physical exam? Chances are that you have, and hopefully, you are taking the appropriate action, as regular checkups are incredibly important in our overall health. These appointments give you a clear picture of your current health status, allow you to identify and understand existing or potential issues, and give you the chance to communicate and work with your healthcare provider to develop care plans to keep you healthy.

Just as physical checkups are a crucial aspect of caring for yourself, so is taking the time to perform a “health checkup” of your real-time technologies. If done properly, you’ll learn if your system is running optimally and if there are current or pending concerns. You’ll also likely see opportunities where you can use your resources more wisely to deliver against the outcomes you and your organization are expecting.

We strongly recommend that you consider the following topics and questions as you undertake your annual audit:

1. How long has the system been in place?
2. What does your current infrastructure look like? Have you taken into consideration new technological developments or software upgrades?
3. Do you anticipate an increase or decrease in the use of the system (e.g. number of users, assets tracked year over year, staff badged)?
4. Are you experiencing any unusual downtimes or hiccups within the RTLS system? Under what circumstances?  
5. Do you know what percent of your active tags have dead batteries?     
7. Are you seeing the types of results you expected, or that you once were able to measure? If not, is it due to low system adoption, lack of proper reporting, or maybe inadequate processes?
8. Is your staff fully onboard with the system? Do they know how to use it? Do they see value in using it?
9. Has the system allowed you to improve the patient experience?
10. What are your aspirations regarding the system? Where do you want to take it next year? What about in the next 3-5 years?

Through personal interviews, observations, and data analysis, you are able to assess your current RTLS Health Score. These measures are used in the same way that your physician evaluates your vital statistics… to determine if there are any issues or opportunities that need to be addressed.

So, if it’s been more than 12 months since your last RTLS system health checkup, or if perhaps you are noticing new “symptoms” that weren’t there a few months ago, it’s probably time to set up an appointment.

Please contact us to receive more information about RTLS System Audits.

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CenTrak provides facilities with data-driven insights, creates a safe and efficient environment for staff, and enhances the healthcare experience for patients, residents, and their families.